Thumbnail generation


thumbnail(source, geometry, (key1, value1), (key2, value2), ..., options)

The thumbnail function takes a source image, a geometry parameter, a number of optionals filters as tuples and/or a number of custom options (the same ones of the Thumbnailer class), and returns the URL of the generated thumbnail.

<img src="{{ thumbnail( ... ) }}" />


Source must be a relative path to a local image.


Geometry is specified as widthxheight, width or xheight.
Width and height are in pixels.

This value can either be a string or a callable that return a valid geometry string. Examples:

thumbnail(source, '200x100')
thumbnail(source, '200')
thumbnail(source, 'x100')
thumbnail(source, get_geometry)

If both width and height are given, the image is rescaled to the maximum size that fits in a width x height box, preserving the aspect ratio.

If the resize option is True, however, the image is deformed to match exactly the given dimensions,

If the geometry is None or an empty string, no rescaling will be applied.


The filters are defined as a sequence of list or tuples.

['filter1', value], ['filter2', value1, value2], ['filter3'] ...

They are defined this way instead of using keyword arguments because the order in which are applied could matter.

The filters described below are those available in the shipped engines, but you can easily add more (see the section "extending the library" for more info about that).

crop (width, height, x=0, y=0)

Crop accepts a width, height and one or two optional values as the coordinates of the new top-left corner ((0, 0) by default). These last values can be integers (pixels), percentages or 'center'.

For example, some valid values are:

thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['crop', 50, 50])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['crop', 50, 50, '15%', '10%'])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['crop', 50, 50, 150, 50])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['crop', 50, 50, 'center', 0])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['crop', 50, 50, 'center', 'center'])


If you include this filter it will turn the image into gray-scale.


thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['grayscale'])

sepia (tone='#fff0c0')

This filter will turn your image into sepia tones, making it looks like an old photo.

The interesting trick about sepia images is that they are just gray-scale pictures with a different color palette. In this case the default sepia tone is #fff0c0.

If you would want to change it, the tone can be expressed as a RGB list of values or like an hex string.


thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['sepia'])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['sepia', 255, 240, 192])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['sepia', '#fff0c0'])

rotate (degrees)

Rotates the image counter-clockwise by a specified number of degrees. If degrees is negative, the rotation it's clockwise instead.


thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['rotate', 45])
thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['rotate', -90])

blur (radius=2)

Apply a gaussian blur (smoothing) to the image. The radius argument determines the scale of fine detail that will be removed. Low values remove only very fine detail while high values remove larger levels of detail.


thumbnail(source, '200x100', ['blur', 4])


The options overwrite the default ones defined in the Thumbnailer class.

When setting the new geometry, this controls if the image is deformed
to match exactly the given dimensions, regardless of the aspect ratio
of the original image.
This can be fill, fit or upscale.
Default value is fill.
A boolean that controls if the image can be upscaled or not.
For example if your source is 100x100 and you request a thumbnail
of size 200x200 and upscale is False this will return a
thumbnail of size 100x100.
If upscale were True this would result in a thumbnail size
200x200 (upscaled).
The default value is True.
This controls the write format and thumbnail extension. Formats
supported by the shipped engines are 'JPEG' and 'PNG'.
Default value is 'JPEG'.
When the output format is jpeg, quality is a value between 0-100
that controls the thumbnail write quality.
Default value is 90.
This controls whether to save jpeg thumbnails as progressive jpegs.
Default value is True.
This controls whether to orientate the resulting thumbnail with
respect to the source EXIF tags for orientation.
Default value is True.