Quick start

First, define a thumbnailer to use with the images base path and base URL:

from moar import Thumbnailer

thumbnail = Thumbnailer(MEDIA_PATH, MEDIA_URL)

Then, make it accesible in your templates. For instance, as a jinja2 global:

render.set_global('thumbnail', thumbnail)

Finally, you call it from your code:

<img src="{{ thumbnail(item.image, '100x100') }}" />

or like this:

{% with t = thumbnail(image, '100x100') %}
<img src="{{ t.url }}" width="{{ t.width }}" height="{{ t.heigth }}" />
{% endwith %}

The image argument is a relative file path of the local image.

The geometry argument is the desired width and/or height of the image thumbnail.

The function also takes several other parameters describing further processing like cropping, rotating, etc.
See the thumbnail section for the available options.

The output of the thumbnailer is an object similar to this:

class Thumb:
    url = <absolute URL of the thumbnail>
    width = <thumbnail width>
    height = <thumbnail height>

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.url

You can invoke it from your templates or directly from your python code, when you want generate the thumbnail right away.

>>> thumbnailer = Thumbnail(
>>>   u'/var/www/example/static/media',
>>>   u'http://media.example.org'
>>> )
>>> t = thumbnailer('foobar/my_file.jpg', '100x100')
>>> print(t)


>>> print(t.width, t.height)

(100, 100)